Sunday, July 5, 2009

Name that car: A piece of the action

Screenshot - 7_4_2009 , 8_39_22 PMRecently I was watching an old episode of Star Trek called “A piece of the action”. In this episode. The inhabitants of Sigma lotia II have taken on 1920’s gangster way of life. In an early scene Captain Kirk and Spock dress up as gangsters and attempt to drive away in automobile of the period. It is pretty funny to see Mr. Spock attempt assist Kirk driving.

Spock - "Must we?"
Kirk - "It's faster than walking."
Spock - "But not as safe..."
Kirk - "Are you afraid of cars?"
Spock - "Not at all. It's your driving that alarms me."

Screenshot - 7_4_2009 , 8_41_33 PM

Here’s a bit of trivia for Trekkies(probably get this in no time) and car buffs. What kind of car is Kirk driving? Of course this is a bit weird because I’m sure many of us have seen the the Star Trek movie trailer with the young Kirk driving an old Corvette. I guess those years in space he forgot what a clutch was. Any way no prizes involved this is just for fun.

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