Saturday, April 30, 2022

Good Day Sunshine


I thought I'd start up the Bug today just to keep the juices on a nice sunny New England spring day. Still on the cool side but nice enough to be outside for a bit. I had nothing big was planned for the VW, just like turn it over and run it a bit. Getting married in less than a month so money and time are tight lately as one might expect. 

A few pumps of the gas pedal, turn the key and she still starts up nice. Still love the sound of an air-cooled VW with that familiar putter. I've seen some now converting their classic VW's to electric motors. I don't see the sense of it as part of the appeal, for me at least, is the familiar sound of the engine.  Electric automobiles may be a thing of the future but I think it's silly to convert these to electric, such a waste. To each their own I guess. I'll stop yelling at the clouds now. Happy motoring this year. I'll be around.