Monday, January 7, 2019

Project Orange Bug

This is a continuation of my smaller Matchbox Volkswagen Bug I'm restoring. I started by drilling out the posts holding chromed plastic engine and seat inside. I then drilled out and tapped the posts to fit screws when I reassemble it.

 I test fit the new screws  and it seemed to go well. The tiny wire wheels are a little bent up too and will need adjust them on the final fit.

 Then I used a citrus based paint stripper, which seemed to work well after sitting for awhile. I scrubbed with a toothbrush and was able get most of the paint off. The longer stripper was on it the easier the job got.

 After I used a small wire brush to get most of the rest of the paint off. 

Next up fixing the post with some super glue and baking soda which is a trick I've seen other restorer's use on YouTube or perhaps some J-B Weld(or equivalent). I'll post some more pictures as I move along.Thanks for coming by.