Friday, December 28, 2018

Is it spring yet?

Winter quarters.

We're in the midst of the holiday season and in the northeast many of us VW enthusiasts have probably put their prized possessions in storage or like me the Bug has taken a back seat as far as attention priorities go. Also it just get's too cold and if you've got no garage like me you depend on nice weather for chances to drive or work on their VW.

WE've been fortunate to have some relative mild weather, at least precipitation wise, so on Christmas Eve day I did take my Bug out for a spin around the neighborhood to stretch the legs out a little. It was nippy but I was only going for a short ride. It was a bit overcast with some very light snow flurries which melted as soon as the hit something. Not enough for them to put salt on the roads which was my primary concern.

I had already parked it under the old leaky awning that has seen better days. I hop in the front seat and flip the light switch above the door and see the light still shining brightly. Good we have power. I put the key in the ignition and turn to see the seat belt light go on, another good sign, and pump the gas a couple of times and turn the key. The engine turns a couple of times before that tell-tale sputter starts. Then the Bug finally comes to life just as if I drove it yesterday. I still love the sound of an air-cooled engine.

I back out of it's spot and head down the road. The flurries were so light even the Bug's wiper's extra slow wipers had no problem keeping the windows cleared. I go quick two mile spin around my neighborhood. Just enough to go thru all the gears a few times and give me a smile, VW's just have a way of doing that to you. I head on home and back her into her winter quarters not know when the drive will be. With a sigh I wonder "Is it spring yet?".