Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Tire update

When I last posted about my flat tire repair all seemed good at the time. Alas it was but a brief moment in time. The very next day on the way to work while cruising along the local interstate I suddenly here a thumping nose coming from the rear passenger side of my car. Of course now I think "Oh crap!" (actually that was edited to keep a PG rating here). I pulled over to find my tire completely flat. I did about fastest tire change I did as I was now looking at being late also. As you can see by the photo the plug had completely blown out and now on top of that I had a good gash on my inner sidewall. Most likely due to the tire either being out of balance or flopping around after the tire plug went. It was not my day to say the least. Being completely broke I now wait for my tax relief check to by a new set of tires(2). It can't come soon enough. Oh well.

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